In AetherPotions, nearly every parameter of the potion is customizable. Every section of potions are on separate page under this category. In each page, we will progressively update the configuration according to the features.
But if you want complete example configuration without wasting much time, here it is.
# Custom flight potion example by @nichoooooooo.flight:displayName:'&6Flight Potion'lore: - '&9Food & Drinks' - '&9Flight I (04:00)'isSplash:falsedeleteBottle:falseinstantDrink:falsecooldown:480data:potionType:LUCKparticle:enabled:truetype:EFFECTtime:240amount:50commands:afterEffect:enabled:truetime:240commands:'1':commands: - fly %player% disable - w %player% You're starting to feel pretty normal again. Perhaps another potion?executor:CONSOLEdrinkingCommands:'1':commands: - fly %player% enable - w %player% You get this whimsical feeling flowing through your body.. you're glowing.. and you can fly!! - effect give %player% minecraft:glowing 300executor:CONSOLE